
2日目のキーノートスピーカーはNOAAのDr. Kenneth Shermanと政策研究大学院大学の黒川清教授(ブログ)。3日目のキーノートスピーカーはマレージアDr. Zakri Abd HamidとUniversity of Western CanadaのDr. Gordon McBean。生態学者として、もっともおもしろい話はDr. Shermanのかな。Large Marine Ecosystem (LME)について、いろいろ語り、東シナ海はLMEであることも言ってくれました。ま、そうでしょう。黒川先生はとてcharismaticであり、会場のテンションは確実にあがりました。

On the second day, the Keynote speaker was Dr. Kenneth Sherman of NOAA and Dr. Kurokawa of GRIPS. On the third day, the Keynotes were Dr. Hamid of Malaysia and Dr. Gordon McBean of Univ. Western Canada. As an "ecologist" I think Dr. Sherman's talk was the most interesting. He gave a broad discussion about Large Marine Ecosystems. You see, the East China Sea is one of these LMEs. By the way Dr. Kurokawa's talk was very charismatic and the whole audience had a good time.

僕の発表は昨日(木)の12:20。セッションはBiodiversity and Ecosystem Services.藻類は僕だけ。あとは、トルコなど中東アジアの植物と野鳥の多様性についてのはなしばっかり。しかも、どちらかというと、種数と種名のリストをずらりとみせるだけ。非常につまらなかった。これで、だいたいこのCongressのレベルが分かった気がする。僕は気持ちよくしゃべっていたが、突然会場のノートPCの電源がおちた。どうやら電線につなげるのを忘れていたみたいだ。おかげさまで、ペースが乱れ、なんとなく修了。

My talk was yesterday (Thursday) at 12:20 in the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services session. I think I am the only seaweed guy talking. The rest are talks about the Mediterranean flora diversity and birds. On top of that, almost all of the talks just gave lists and lists of species. Not so interesting. Hence, I think I have a good grasp as to the level of this Congress. Anyways, I felt pretty good talking until the batteries of the notebook died. Apparently the staff forgot to plug the thing in. So the screen went blank for a few minutes. Well, that just messed up my timing but I got it done.


Nevertheless, people were interested in the work and asked a few questions. Especially about whether or not a paper was in the making.

今日はClosing Ceremony。そのあと帰国。今夜の23:30のKALにのり、明日の9時までには福岡。

Today is the closing ceremony. After that I go home. Tonight at 23:30 on KAL. I get to Fukuoka by 9am.


I have no plans on becoming a regular of this congress, but if the location is right I might go next time...





大村湾調査!! ~海藻・生き物編~