Its 4 days since I arrived in Sesoko. After the power came back on yesterday, I was able to continue the experiments. It would be pitiful if I left Sesoko with no data, after spending such a long period of time here.
Last evening, while discussing stats, I was steered into providing a little demo on how to use R. So, for two hours I ran a impromptu R seminar. First, we learned to use the "read.csv()" function to get the data into the R environment, then we used the "reshape()" function to change from a wide to long data format. Then we made a few plots with "plot()" and tried out the function for linear models "lm()". In the end, we used the "glm()" function to fit a generalized linear model. Since its been a while since I ran an R seminar, it was really fun to do it again. Dr. K's lab listened fervently while running the code. Lots of "oohs" and "ahhs". R is "da bes'".
This morning, I woke up to very nice weather. Nice and dry, with a pleasant sea breeze! I went over to the wharf and enjoyed myself for 30 minutes or so. Quite a few cuttlefish and schools of juvenile fish could be easily seen.
I think this year, I will be going to Okinawa every month.