Ubuntu 11.10 & Epson LP-S5000 レーザプリンターについて
一昨日、Ubuntu 11.04を11.10にアップデートしたら、いつものようにEpsonのLP-S5000に印刷できなくなった。今回は、AvasysのLinux用ドライバーには問題ないと分かった。それでも、印刷ができない。でもPPDファイルさいあればどうにかなるとわかった。
A few days ago I upgraded Ubuntu from Natty to Oneiric, and as usual I lost printing capability. This time, it was not the fault of the Linux LP-S5000 driver. However, as long as you have the PPD file, you should be able to print if your LP-S5000 is set up right. All you need to do is take advantage of the printer's hardware.
1) Print the EPSON Network Status Sheet using the printer menu of the LP-S5000
2) Look for the "Host Name" on sheet 1, you will need this.
3) Go to the Printer menu of Ubuntu and add a New Printer.
4) In "Devices", select "Windows Printer via SAMBA" (This means you need to have samba installed).
5) Click the "Browse" button and look for the printer's "Host Name".
6) In the SMB browser, expand the "Host Name" and select the printer.
7) Click "OK"
8) Click "Forward".
9) Look for the PPD file that you should already have from AVASYS.
10) Describe your printer as appropriate, and click "Apply". That should do it.
A few days ago I upgraded Ubuntu from Natty to Oneiric, and as usual I lost printing capability. This time, it was not the fault of the Linux LP-S5000 driver. However, as long as you have the PPD file, you should be able to print if your LP-S5000 is set up right. All you need to do is take advantage of the printer's hardware.
1) Print the EPSON Network Status Sheet using the printer menu of the LP-S5000
2) Look for the "Host Name" on sheet 1, you will need this.
3) Go to the Printer menu of Ubuntu and add a New Printer.
4) In "Devices", select "Windows Printer via SAMBA" (This means you need to have samba installed).
5) Click the "Browse" button and look for the printer's "Host Name".
6) In the SMB browser, expand the "Host Name" and select the printer.
7) Click "OK"
8) Click "Forward".
9) Look for the PPD file that you should already have from AVASYS.
10) Describe your printer as appropriate, and click "Apply". That should do it.