前回のハカマゴシ調査で、愛用していたCASIOのG'zOneのケースがわれ、新しい機種を購入することに。iPhoneの所為で、スマートフォンに変えることにしたが、iPhoneは欲しくなかった。やはり、いままでつかっていた、google社のgmailやlinuxをどうにかスマートフォンにもつかいたい。そのため、auからdocomoのSonyEricssonのXperia X10に変えました。
Ubuntu 10.04につなげるためにはandroid SDKのインストールが必要(ここからは英語で):
0.Create a folder for the Android SDK and Eclipse IDE software. In my case:
mkdir ~/Android
1. Download the "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (189MB)" and save it to the Android folder. Then untar the file.
2. Download the Android SDK for Linux and save that to the Android folder as well. Then untar the file.
3. Enter the android-sdk-linux_86/tools/ folder and run android
4. Click 'Available Packages" option and select the appropriate packages. In my case, since I am using the Xperia X10 with Android v. 1.6, I selected 'SDK Platoform Android 1.6, API 4, revision3' and 'Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 4, revision 2'.
5. Next run eclipse.
6. Go to the Help menu and select 'Install New Software'. Click the 'Add' button next to the 'Work With' list. Enter an appropriate name then use the following URL for the resource:
Next we setup Ubuntu so that it can tether.
7. setup the 51-android.rules
sudo gvim /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
Enter this line and save:
SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, SYSFS{idVendor}==”0fce”, MODE=”0666″
8. Install corkscrew.
sudo apt-get install corkscrew
9. Reboot Ubuntu.
10. Turn on the USB Debug option on the X10.
11. Plugin the X10 to the PC.
12. Check if the X10 is properly connected by running the following:
~/Android/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb devices
If the X10 was detected, you should get some output like:
List of devices attached
CB511JA46P device
13. Next install 'proxoid' from the android market on the X10.
Now we can tether.
14. In the X10, start proxoid.
15. On the connected PC setup the proxy:
~/Android/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080
16. Setup the proxy in your browser of choice, and make sure that the http/https connection name is 'localhost' and the port is '8080'. Note: this means that
That's it.