Windows & Ubuntu




最近、MacOSのParallelsというPCエミュレターを使ってWinXPなどを起動しているユーザーが増えている。私は同類のSun MicrosystemsのVirtualBoxをつかうことにより、WinXPをUbuntu内で起動し、大学や学会などの業務を住ませている。VirtualBoxをつかえば、再起動やDualBootでOSを切り替える必要もなく、いつでもWinXPを使うことができる。とても便利です。

I've been using the Ubuntu distribution of Linux for that past few years, mostly because it free and also because there are alot of OpenSource software that I can use. I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys tinkering around with a PC.

However, at this University, and probable most others, official documents are often written using MSOffice. At first I thought I would be able to use OpenOffice as usual, but I quickly found out that OpenOffice would often mess with the original formatting.

So, I ended up dual booting WinXP and Ubuntu, which be came a hassle. I soon discovered Sun Microsystems' VirtualBox, which provided an elegant solution. With VirutalBox, I was able to boot WinXP within Ubuntu and use MSOffice to work on the Universty documents. No more formatting problems and no more rebooting hassle.





大村湾調査!! ~海藻・生き物編~