
Aquatic Botanyに3年前とったデータを論文にして、投稿していた。結構いいところまでいって、適度に直せば受理されるだろうともエディターからいわれてた。が、最近似たような実験をしていて、あのデータを再現ができない。また、その理由もよくわからない。モラルのある研究者として、このようなデータを発表してはいけないとおもっているので、エディターに取り下げることをつたえた。



A paper that I submitted to Aquatic Botany, which was based on data I took three years ago got some pretty good reviews. With some moderate revision, it looked like it would be published. However, recently I couldn't replicate the results. What is worse is that I don't know why I can't get the same data. An ethical scientist would never publish such data, therefore I let the editor know that I was declining the revision and retracting the submission.

Recently, there's been a lot of news about fake data and publications; there are a fair share of unethical scientists out there. Science only advances because we all can reproduce the results. Therefore, rather rushing and publishing garbage, I'd rather just take my time and send out the good stuff.

Check out the link above for a blog about published articles that got retracted.





大村湾調査!! ~海藻・生き物編~