昨日から月曜日まで、瀬底にいる。 Since yesterday and until Monday, I will be in Sesoko, yet again. 午前中は雨だったが、昼過ぎからは晴れ。早速備瀬崎にいって、K原研と海草のサンプリングを開始。4時間も作業し、pHや酸素、水温、水深を記録するデータロガーも設置。そのあと、実験所に戻り、海草をソーティングし、Kぶちくんがつくった実験装置に入れてた。これで光合成実験を開始。 When I arrived in the morning, it was raining but luckily it cleared up by afternoon. We (K-hara's lab and me) immediately went to Bise Point (I think I called it Cape previously), to collect seagrasses and setup some monitoring equipment. I think we were at if for 4 hours. B y the way, the datalogger we setup will record salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and water depth. Then we went back to Sesoko Station, and sorted the seagrasses. We put the good ones in the fabulous flow-through tank that her tech setup. Sweet. 忙しくて、昼御飯は食べず、21時になったらやっと夕飯って感じ。K原研はそのあと、動物プランクトンのサンプリングとソーティングの作業があった。朝の3時までやっていらかあな? We were so busy, we didn't have time for lunch and we finally got some food by 9pm. However, the lab went to collect zooplankton for some other project in the...